Old or young, at home or abroad, diarrhea affects everyone, everywhere. DiaResQ is a food, not a drug and has none of the side effects commonly associated with drug treatments.
DiaResQ addresses the underlying issue, not just the symptoms.

Diarrhea is often caused by your body’s immune response to an unwanted or unbalanced microorganism in the gut. During a bout of diarrhea, your body is attempting to flush out the unwanted intruder and regain balance. In these cases, diarrhea is an expected and normal reaction to an abnormal situation
Think back to your last vacation – remember that street meat that didn’t quite agree with you? Chances are, the meat had become contaminated. Wanting to protect itself, your body jumped into action, attempting to rid itself of the potentially harmful microorganism as quickly as possible.
Many diarrhea relief products help to alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea by interfering with your body’s natural immune response to an unwanted organism. Some work by slowing down the muscles in your gut while others make it harder for waste to flow through your gut. Delaying this process and keeping that unwanted something in your body longer can also delay recovery.